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National peculiarities of Cambodia

National peculiarities in CambodiaThere is a number of national peculiarities of Cambodian culture that every tourist should know. As in every culture, they concern three main specters of every day life of the Cambodian citizens.  

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Cardamom Mountains in Cambodia

Cardamom Mountains in CambodiaCardamom Mountains, called in the Khmer language Krâvanh Mountains is the "last frontier" of Cambodia, as they are virtually uninhabited and are not routed through with the big roads and highways. They are densely overgrown with almost impenetrable rainforest, these mountains occupy 4.5 million hectares, much of the south-west Cambodia, and then go over the border to Thailand, where they are called Soi Dao mountain, because of the western peek. 

Read next: Cardamom Mountains in Cambodia


Reasons to Visit Cambodia

Reasons to Visit Cambodia

Reason 1. Quiet and relaxing place

Cambodia, unlike other tourist countries is not flooded with very noise and young tourists like the neighboring Thailand. Though from the other side, you will be able to see lots of tourists from South Korea and China. Even the names of the shops and streets are often duplicated in those languages. Because of the mass exportation of local girls abroad, with a goal to sell them to brothels, the territory of Cambodia has banned the entry to the country for Turks and Arabs, as well as the restriction was made for South Korean tourists. 

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New Of Cambodia