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National peculiarities of Cambodia

National peculiarities in CambodiaThere is a number of national peculiarities of Cambodian culture that every tourist should know. As in every culture, they concern three main specters of every day life of the Cambodian citizens.  

Peculiarity over religion

First of all Religion. When going to Cambodia you can learn that they have Buddhism there, but nothing else can be mentioned. However, knowing only the type of religion is close to knowing nothing. Always make sure that you have clothes which cover almost all of your body, when going into the Cambodian Temple. This means shirts with long sleeves and trousers that go below your knees, while the trousers that go slightly above the ancle may be ok for the Temple people, ladies should also keep to these rules. However, they have a simple way out, because the scarf that can cover the shoulders and the opened part of the arms can also work. Do not believe to those, who say that you have to have your head covered, on the contrary, before entering the Temple you should leave your foot wear and hats outside the temple. This means that you come there with your open mind and you soul. Even though you may not believe in their religion, while going to visit those places, you should obey the rules, nothing bad will happen to your own believes.

National peculiarities in Cambodia

Peculiarity about taking photos

Even though a number of places have been restructured for the touristic purposes, not always your guide will tell you that taking pictures and is allowed and you can easily use your portable photo printer to put them into paper. In many places it is almost forbidden to take pictures, because of the believe that part of the spirit gets closed into the photo and thus the shrine looses part of its power. Therefore, always make sure to ask if it is allowed. At the same time there is a point about taking photos of the local people in their villages and of their houses. It is seemed very impolite, if you are not asking for their permission, because their face and house is their property. But after you would have asked for permission they are more than happy to make your photos different and colorful. Keep in mind that this is absolutely normal for the locals to ask for some money if you are going to take a picture with them or with something that belongs to them. 

Peculiarity over short living in Cambodia

Cambodia is a very developed state in a sense of culture, thus the level of crimes is very low, but tourists as everywhere are taken with another eye, thus it is simply better to keep some rules of safety. However, it is really safe to walk in the night along the streets of the city. One more thing to mention is local tab water. It is better not to drink the water from the tab and also even if you boil it, still stick to the bottled water. It is really cheap in Cambodia to buy bottled water, however, we do not want to scare you, the level of its cleanliness is pretty high. Last but not least are the beggars. Even though the country is clean and quite tourists still can find beggars on their way, however they are totally harmless. It is recommended not to give money to them, because this kind of generosity for them always calls for their desire to follow you in case you would want to share your money with them again. However, do not mistake them to the street artists who can do something for a small price. They are very common and they never follow you, after you give them some money, they can play you their song, carve your shape from a paper, make a napkin-rose or a bead with your name – a small and nice souvenir. And the last one may be another good reason to visit Cambodia

New Of Cambodia